Friday, October 30, 2009

Let Love Be

I always told people; those who'd listen, that two things people never stopped fussing over were still the two biggest mysteries in the world; god and love. They maybe one thing to those who believe god is love and love is god. But for I, to pen my thoughts in the simplest of ways, they are exclusive even though dependent. Billions of people express it, try to understand it, teach it and live it yet it still can’t be understood by those who have experienced even parts of it. Those who claim they have never known love, live either under a coconut or in denial. Failing to accept that you can love or are being loved or should love at all is foolish. Just as foolish as love itself. 

It’s a beautiful thing because it is imperfect. We lesser mortals love love itself. Because it is imperfect, just like ourselves. If it was perfect, it would be robotic, monotonous, boring, or plain divine. But because love shares borders with catastrophe, fantasy and reality it is addictive. It is most certainly not a drug, it is more like fuel. Less like air, more like fuel. You can live without love, you can’t live without air. But with love, you feel like living forever. Before you couldn’t wait to die, as earth was part of hell anyway. But lunatic love so sweet and so harsh makes life worth living. It’s passionate and raw, pain and pleasure, furious and calm. Two faces of the same coin. Love drives the sane mad and the mad sane. Few embrace it for few can take such change. Love is deep not ever shallow. Shallow are those who deem love beneath them. Shallow are those who turn the other way. Love is omnipresent (much like god) for a reason, it is in you and it is you. It is me. It is she. It is he. Let love be. 

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