Thursday, August 12, 2010

Formidable Foe

They are coming...
tonight in the dark
they will cry out and bark
hunting down their mark
i shall need more than luck.

They are coming...
i can hear them breathing
behind the bushes, they are hiding
patiently they are waiting
for me to tire from running.

They are coming...
my heart races inside me
but still, i am trying to see
who hides behind that tree
and wondering, if he could see me.

They are coming...
i know i have no time
i have committed no crime
and i've yet to reach my prime
so i slowly start to climb.

They are coming...
so i sling back my bow
and up the tree i go
where i'll wait for tomorrow
till they chase me no more.

Photograph: Hiding in the Forest

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Seeking Salvation

I was always told life was about balance 
the same way i was told that living was a challenge
couldn't deny that that may have caused some damage
because knowing the truth didn't stop the carnage.
What if we were all born as equals on this stage?
and no one had to fight about race, gender or age
we could have lived peacefully without rampage
without having to lock our own brothers in a cage.

We were all born in his image they say
but now 'He' looks a certain particular way today
more like some and less like most they say
those who are less; obviously have to pay. 
There is no remorse where dead bodies lay
instead there is greed that makes unwelcomed guests stay
to take way what is left at the now unwatched bay
in darkness the demon in man cunningly comes out to play.

When we come to the end there will be a revelation
most certainly the cruel will face certain damnation
for all the things they have done to 'His' creations
much worse than being banished from every nation.
This will spark a realization that we have been fed with fiction
the race of man would be free from its undying infactuation
with power and greed and lies and other fascinations
man would go back to the beginning by seeking salvation.

Photograph : eyes that never opened 

Hello Goodbye

i knew i had always wanted you
i was always waiting for you
you came with summer's sun
all bright and promising fun
but alas my handsome hero
i was scared so i hid in my burrow

you galloped in my life on a white horse
you came so gently without any force
eventhough i've dreamed for us a life together
i know for now this cannot go any further
i'm not ready to hold you, to love you
gallop away white knight and wait for your que

when the time is right
i will welcome you without fright
embracing you like warmth from a fire
i know you will fulfill my every desire
your smile shall brighten every dark corner
i may even wish you had returned sooner

but now is not that time
my delicate heart knows its a crime
to turn down such a beautiful blessing
but my mind knows what i would be facing
therefore i am returning you to your kingdom
and i'll wait for your return to grant me my freedom

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