Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Colorful Race

               He looked at her and only blinked, while she barely glanced at him while walking over the bridge. Her face as if etched out of stone gleamed under the noon sun. Her hands light as feathers looked graceful as she drew shapes from her fingers. The colour of ripe fruit, so yellow was she. He swallowed his own breath and clenched his fist with dread. His skin glistened with sweat from working under the same noon sun. His dark luminous complexion worlds apart from hers. Yet their blood still ruby red, and breathe still the same clear blue air.

                He closed his eyes, to feel her near. He knew it was her, by the song of her heart. No matter what they feared, colour of their insignificant skins would play no part. They spoke with eyes and words of the mind, heard by no one and seen by none. Sitting by the clear blue lakeside, green were her eyes and brown was his, but still only the blue lake could they see. They felt the same raindrops as they day neared its end, and ran on the same thorny path back into wicked reality. A faraway place only known to them, they hide so often, far away from the kaleidoscope of hateful colour.

                They remain to this day, continuously running away, hiding from others who hunt them with pitchforks. When mother earth painted him and her, she did so for beauty and to match the earth where their mothers carried them from. Two nearly invisible creatures scavenge the lands to hide, away from the prying eyes, away from the spiteful words, away from hate. They seek for a place where love prevails. Where he need no more look at her and only blink. 

Penned in Dec '09
Art: agape__philos__eros_by_hrwilliams


The fumes wrap themselves around her,
she doesn't feel their warm embrace.
No more far, instead now so near
this is such a special simple case,
she has just forgotten how to stear
now that she is in such a daze.
It hurts to loose those who are dear,
she hopes its only a phase.

The wispy fumes travel into her nostrils
they draw soft lines on the heavy air,
she hardly thought about how it easily kills
she shouldn't have agreed to the Devil's dare...
Now the wind has stopped and the air is still,
so is it safe for her to stop and stare
to take a step back, close her eyes and feel,
the air so still...

The clock is ticking
as time begins moving,
the music is playing
as they begin dancing,
the people are staring
as she is falling..
into the deep.
Everything is disappearing
as the air is intoxicating.

Penned in Jan '10

Art: ecstasy_by_XeNzo

Love Prevails

I am unashamed to beat my chest and shout out  loud
that what rules my heart and head inside and out,
is nothing but pure love, thats certain without a doubt
for am always breathing, seeing and living that love sound.

Many obstacles assume they can tie me down
with wretched rope and chains all around,
but I am a talented escapistonist escaping before dawn
while others rest peacefully, i'll be long gone.

I walk for miles and run head long into the oblivion
years, deacades and centuries on, I will run on and on and on,
fuelled with love as I always am, I will rule the world like no man
like the sun above the fields, I will smile at my land.

Oh love, sweet love am but a loyal slave to your bidding
I am not in love with love itself, that may be misleading,
alas am intoxicated by the fumes of my loved one's being
he stands tall above the rest whenever am keen on seeing.

Alas! I will give in no more to pain and sorrow
I will throw my arms in the air and jump today not tomorrow,
into the arms of love so great and yet still mellow
for am no prisoner, but a willing wanderer in love's meadow.

Penned in Dec '09

Art: Love_by_arlek_in

Cracked Mirror

Into the looking glass I peer
not to see a maiden so dear,
but instead to spit on my reflection
disgusted by my imperfection.

I changed my face today
to hopefully wash my sorrows away,
but instead I saw the same person
only tainted and broken.

My hands are bloody, my eyes soar
the nihilist laughs at my own fall,
the optimist now a cripple
shudders when she looks at her devil.

Once we laughed and sang
how I wish we were back to how it began,
I was once the hope and the light
now I regret taking that awful bite.

Into the looking glass I peer
not to see a maiden so dear,
but instead to spit on my reflection
disgusted by my imperfection.

Penned in Nov 09'

Art: cracked__video_draw_up__by_BluuKitsune

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Flight of Freedom

Daughter of the Sun
and wife to the Stars
there's no need to run
no need to cover your scars...

Free at last from binding rings
dance now to the tune your heart sings
flutter away before the day breaks
go now before the earth quakes...

Artwork: fallen_angel_by_michael_c_hayes
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