Sunday, January 16, 2011

Love Prevails

I am unashamed to beat my chest and shout out  loud
that what rules my heart and head inside and out,
is nothing but pure love, thats certain without a doubt
for am always breathing, seeing and living that love sound.

Many obstacles assume they can tie me down
with wretched rope and chains all around,
but I am a talented escapistonist escaping before dawn
while others rest peacefully, i'll be long gone.

I walk for miles and run head long into the oblivion
years, deacades and centuries on, I will run on and on and on,
fuelled with love as I always am, I will rule the world like no man
like the sun above the fields, I will smile at my land.

Oh love, sweet love am but a loyal slave to your bidding
I am not in love with love itself, that may be misleading,
alas am intoxicated by the fumes of my loved one's being
he stands tall above the rest whenever am keen on seeing.

Alas! I will give in no more to pain and sorrow
I will throw my arms in the air and jump today not tomorrow,
into the arms of love so great and yet still mellow
for am no prisoner, but a willing wanderer in love's meadow.

Penned in Dec '09

Art: Love_by_arlek_in

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