The sirens go off
i push through the emergency exit
and run up the alley.
I never know what am looking for
so this time, it's no different.
I must have ran as quick as lightning
because no one ran past me,
or was i too slow
that everyone disappeared
before i even started thinking?
Now that i've escaped from the danger,
do i scream for help or hide from it..?
The sirens are getting louder, getting closer...
I can feel the cold sweat starting to drip
from my throbing temples,
i breathe so heavily, it tires me.
Should i run? Should i stay?
Where are they?!
i run, i ran, i am running
away from the sirens, away from help
away from the now dieing cries...
past the the menacing buildings,
past the busy sidewalks,
past the over-friendly grocer and bakery,
past my old school and childhood home,
i run, i ran, i am running
Then i stop.
Just as suddenly as i began.
I never know what i'm looking for
so this time, it's no different.
The sun is blazing, yet i feel cold...
As i turn around and begin to head back,
i feel the shade of the cloud overhead,
protecting me from the sun's angry stare.
As always i take it to be a sign,
as always i trudge back to square one.
Photograph : exit_by_toko